1. A website is the starting point for every successful home business. A website can give you the same presence as a large conglomerate, but that is just the beginning. Several years ago I spent a bunch of money on the best software to build a website because that's what I was told I needed to do. Then I got a domain, a hosting service, put in a lot of hours creating graphics and pages, and bam, I had a website and an on-line business. But guess what. . . I didn't know how to promote it, and I had no visitors. Well, I've learned a lot over the years, and now you can cut down your spin-up time to just a few months in the free mini course: Website Marketing & Home Business Entrepreneur Secrets. Request your copy here: mailto:HomeBizPioneer@getresponse.com

2. Since you're reading this article, you most certainly have tried out more than one network marketing opportunity, or at least you know someone who is an emerging home business entrepreneur in the mlm industry. Well, there is a 97% failure rate in network marketing attributed mainly to the proliferation of lies. Lies, such as everyone is your prospect, so you are told to talk to everyone who comes within 3 feet of you about your opportunity. The truth is that a dentist doesn't build his practice by asking everyone he meets if their teeth hurt! Just like everyone isn't the dentist's prospect, everyone is not your prospect either! Did you know that some people like being employees? Some people really do not want to be a home business entrepreneur. If you want to learn why you don't have to bug your friends and family to build a successful home business, then check out this E-book. I've made available through this link a free copy of the E-Book: The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing. http://www.TimandGaby.info

3. The third free resource I recommend is the E-book Dotcomology - The Science of Making Money Online. This book will show you exactly what you need to do to start, build and market an Internet home-based business. This book is great for everyone with that entrepreneur spark, but like me did not have a great mentor to get you started. You can download this book for free and start reading in less that 60 seconds at this link: http://pluginprofitsite.com/main-17894/dotcomology.html

4. If you are a home business entrepreneur and have not tapped into the overflowing well of exposure in Craigslist, then you need to stop reading right now and go to http://www.craigslist.org. Craigslist is an online community that has quickly spread and is now an international phenomenon. You can post job want ads, buy and sell real estate, find just about anything you would find in your local paper's classified adds. And, did I mention it is free? Craig only charges for job listings in a few large cities in the United States, otherwise it is totally free, and a great resource for free exposure to a huge community.

5. Lastly, but certainly not least is an excellent resource provided by Dani Johnson on her website http://www.danijohnson.com. On this website, she has graciously loaded over 30 hours of some of the best training audios I've ever heard. With these free resources you will learn how a young cocktail waitress went from living out of her car with $2.03 to her name to earning her first million in 2 short years!

That sums it up, my Top 5 best tools and resources for home business entrepreneurs to break out of the 97% and become one of the 3% successful home business owners in a rapidly growing industry. I wish you all the success, happiness, prosperity, and God's blessings as you grow as a successful entrepreneur.


3 Free And Effective Methods To Generate More Site Traffic


There are countless websites in the net. Competition is tough and it can be quite difficult to drive traffic to your site. Traffic generation is crucial to your e-business marketing campaign. To survive, you need to generate more traffic and interest to your website. Here are three effective methods for doing just that.

Your traffic represents your prospective customers. The more traffic you generate, the more chance there is for people to buy your product or your service....


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There are countless websites in the net. Competition is tough and it can be quite difficult to drive traffic to your site. Traffic generation is crucial to your e-business marketing campaign. To survive, you need to generate more traffic and interest to your website. Here are three effective methods for doing just that.

Your traffic represents your prospective customers. The more traffic you generate, the more chance there is for people to buy your product or your service. You need to create an effective marketing plan in order to create interest among people.

There are many ways to generate traffic to your site. However, you don’t want to generate just any traffic, your aim should be to generate free targeted traffic. You should consider employing different methods for generating targeted website traffic. Do not limit yourself to just one method. The following are three free site traffic generation methods that you can try.

--- Step 1: Write and submit articles

Everyday, people would visit Google to look for information they need. By writing highly informative, unique and interesting articles and submitting these to high-traffic article directories, you will be read and your articles will become your website’s advertisement.

People who found your articles informative and helpful would go to your website for more information. If you continue along this vein – writing and submitting more articles – more people would trust you and your business over time. Your articles would generate much interest that it would be difficult for search engines to ignore them and your website.

In time, your website will appear in search engine results every time a prospective customer searches for TIMEZONE55 LINK ALTERNATIF a product or a service that you could provide. At the very least, your articles will appear in these search results and they will lead search engine users to your site.